Experiences have shaped my career in golf course design. From the earliest to the latest they have and continue to influence my work. My first exposure to the game came caddying for my Dad, and I can remember playing as early as 6 years old. At 10 years old I can remember drawing sketches of holes I had played and also holes I had seen on TV. Soon it became more interesting to sketch original holes from my own imagination.
Some years later, in the Landscape Architecture program at Texas A&M , I was able to broaden my knowledge in many areas related to golf course design. These areas included grading, drainage, irrigation, and construction.
In 1988 I had the incredibly good fortune to get a job at Nicklaus Design, the golf course design company of Jack Nicklaus. Jack gave me the opportunity to work on many outstanding golf course projects. Twenty four courses, in all parts of the world, and on all types of properties and conditions. The many experiences Jack afforded to me have undoubtedly played a big part in the designer I am today.
These days, I am taking all these experiences, and knowledge gained, to create golf courses that are interesting, memorable, and most importantly fun to play. After all, I believe that’s what the founders of the game intended.